My Heart in Braille by Joris Chamblain (Author) and Anne-Lise Nalin (Illustrator)

Victor feels like he doesn't measure up, especially when it comes to school. When he catches Marie-Jo, a straight-A student, cheating on a math test, the two form a friendship. However, Marie-Jo, behind her lovely cello-playing, has a secret. When she shares it with Victor, he has to decide how he can best protect and help her. 

While the illustrations and portrayed relationships are all lovely, the story at times feels quite rushed and important moments are glossed over. Slowing the tale down and diving deeper would have been welcome, but My Heart in Braille is still a pleasant read.

My Heart in Braille by Joris Chamblain (Author) and Anne-Lise Nalin (Illustrator), Europe Comics 


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