Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

All seems well at Alfred Noble Academy--that is until Sade Hussein arrives and her roommate, Elizabeth, goes missing. Some assume Sade disappeared Elizabeth, after all, she's the new element to the prestigious school. Even though Sade is convinced, by history, trauma, and members of her family, that she is a bad seed, she knows she didn't hurt Elizabeth--at least, she thinks she didn't, her sleep walking can make things bleary. Teaming up with Elizabeth's best friend, Basil, Sade investigates Elizabeth's vanishing earnestly. However, the more clues Sade and Basil find, the more of a complex web of secrets, lies, and violence they find and Sade struggles to keep a lid on her own secrets--especially from the perplexing and intriguing Persephone.

Packed with intensity, raw honesty, and compelling characters and plot turns, author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé crafts an impeccable novel. Where Sleeping Girls Lie explores dark, but vitally important, themes, utilizes twists, red herrings, and artful hints masterfully, and emphasizes the power of bonds, speaking up, and persevering through Hell itself. This book will not only deftly carry readers along an engaging mystery, it will encourage them to use their voices, seek help, and reach out.

Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, Feiwel & Friends


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