Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness by Willy Duraffourg (Author) and Giancarlo Caracuzzo (Artist)

JRR Tolkien's life was not always one of fantasy. He lost his father at a young age and his mother before he reached adulthood. At school, he made a few very close friends, but as he came of age, World War I erupted and they all went to serve. Not all returned home. The creativity of his youth and the trauma of his young adulthood meld together in this intense graphic biography. Whether his experience during wartime directly influenced Tolkien's most famous work is open to interpretation, but after reading Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness, it will be difficult for readers to believe Tolkien's time in the trenches did not affect his literary works. 

Giancarlo Caracuzzo's artwork adeptly shows when Tolkien found beauty in this world and when he found despair. An intriguing read for fans of Tolkien or those interested in how war affects a close-knit group of young men, Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness sheds light on an often overlooked time in Tolkien's life.

Tolkien: Lighting Up The Darkness by Willy Duraffourg (Author) and Giancarlo Caracuzzo (Artist), Ablaze


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