Shrink: Story of a Fat Girl by Rachel M. Thomas

Rachel is fat. Worse, she's too fat. Judged too fat by so many including peers, doctors, and society at large, Rachel finds a way to channel herself into a passion: becoming an EMT. However, her body proves to not be up to the task. She later channels herself into losing weight--something she's been told to do for ages. She works out for hours every week and slashes her calorie count. She begins to lose weight, but it was taking a huge toll on her mental health and the pace at which she was losing weight as well as the means she was using were far too rapid for her health. In the end, Rachel realizes that what is truly freeing is everyone being able to decide what is right for their body and their health (both physical and mental).

Throughout Shrink, author Rachel M. Thomas tells her story of being fat while incorporating research into fatness which adds even more depth to her story. Thomas's artwork is evocative, emotional, and deeply felt. Overall, Shrink is a welcome exploration of fatness.

Shrink: Story of a Fat Girl by Rachel M. Thomas, Graphic Mundi - PSU Press


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