Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? by Anne Rockwell (Author) and Lizzy Rockwell (Illustrator)

Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? takes on the American alligator (with some references to other crocodilians including the Chinese alligator). Going into detail about how alligators live and how they are what's known as a keystone species (a species that has a large impact on its ecosystem). Author Anne Rockwell also explores how American alligators have been brought back from the edge of extinction. While never suggesting that alligators are cute and cuddly or great pets, Anne Rockwell expertly explores how they are still vital to our environment.

Illustrator Lizzy Rockwell does an impressive job with depicting this incredible creatures as well as those that live around them. Lizzy Rockwell does not show these complex creatures as overly monstrous--though she makes them fearsome--nor overly cutesy--though she does make her illustrations approachable. Lizzy Rockwell perfectly draws all animals realistically, but still in a style appropriate for a picture book.

For young readers interested in alligators or even just animals in general, Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? is an excellent read.

Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? by Anne Rockwell (Author) and Lizzy Rockwell (Illustrator), Collins


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