Foothold: Rigsby WI by SE Case

Foothold: Rigsby WI opens with an idyllic fall view marred by a bald eagle rending the flesh from a deer. This sets up an engrossing tale right away. Author and illustrator SE Case follows a high school friend group in 2002 as they navigate issues as dark as racism and toxic family dynamics, but balanced out with humor and lighter, but still serious, concerns such as trying to find a good date to homecoming when you might have feelings for someone else. This balance of issues and the clear touch of humor, make Foothold: Rigsby WI feel immensely grounded and real. Coming of age isn't clear-cut or easy, but neither is it without lightness and some laughter.

On top of Case's impressive textual storytelling is her vibrant graphic storytelling. If the mention of the opening is not enough to convince you of how deft Case's illustrations are, I would also add that her visual style adds personality to the characters, places, and atmosphere that inhabit Rigsby, WI.

Foothold: Rigsby WI is an eloquent yet real opening to what is sure to be a poignant series.

Foothold: Rigsby WI by SE Case, Iron Circus Comics


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