Taproot: A Story About A Gardener and A Ghost by Keezy Young

Although Hamal has an incredible green thumb, his most unique skill is being able to see and communicate with "in-betweener" ghosts. While the discovery of his power took him by surprise, he has come to be beloved by the "in-betweener" ghosts and has bonded in particular with one named Blue. Blue and Hamal are drawn together, but cannot figure out how to tell each other. Then, something--or someone--is upsetting the balance of life and death and Blue and Hamal must figure out a solution before it's too late. 

At times Taproot moves a bit too quickly, skipping over chances to deepen the lore of this wonderfully haunted world. However, the sweetness, delight, and charm of this novel are not diminished. Well worth a read.

Taproot: A Story About A Gardener and A Ghost by Keezy Young, Oni Press


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