Behold the Monster: Confronting America's Most Prolific Serial Killer by Jillian Lauren

Samuel Little isn't known to all. He doesn't have a monstrous name like the Night Stalker or Golden State Killer, yet he killed more than either. When Jillian Lauren first heard his name, Little had only been convicted of killing three women. Over time, Lauren gained the trust of Little even though she knew he may fantasize about killing her. Eventually, Little would confess to 93 murders and be conclusively tied to 60. 

Yet how did this murderer kill for over thirty years unsuspected despite multiple arrests for other crimes? Lauren dives into Little's entire life from birth to death, not shying away from the brutality of his egregious crimes--so readers be aware that sexual assault, strangulation, and murder are all discussed.

While Lauren takes a narrative swing in writing portions of Little's story like a novel, it will not be a hit with all readers. Although it adds dimension to the story, it can feel as though readers are witnessing the final awful moments of Little's victims in a voyeuristic manner. Additionally, there are some outdated terms, phrasing, and thoughts used throughout that detract from the arc that Lauren is trying to tell.

Ultimately, Behold the Monster shares a vital story in an imperfect manner.

Behold the Monster: Confronting America's Most Prolific Serial Killer by Jillian Lauren, Sourcebooks 


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