Lore Olympus: Volume Five by Rachel Smythe

Persephone and Hades finally kiss, but then she turns into literal butterflies. Besides having to navigate this change in their relationship, Persephone also has to work her way through a confusing software system, guilt around Hades and Minthe breaking up, her trauma inflicted by Apollo, and a dark secret from her past. It all becomes too much and Persephone disappears, disconnecting both her phone and from those who love her. Several Olympians team up to try and find her, but can they do so before her secret gets out?

Gorgeously illustrated and packed with humor, heart, and earned darkness, Lore Olympus: Volume Five continues the story of Persephone and Hades as well as tales of love and redemption.

Lore Olympus: Volume Five by Rachel Smythe, Inklore


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