The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian

Kit Webb likes to think of himself as principled. He has his rules that he abides by and has had them since his days as a highwayman to his current as a coffee shop proprietor. But his past identity comes to the forefront when a dashing aristocrat, going by Percy, strides arrogantly into Kit's coffee shop and demands help with a robbery. 

Percy found himself making a quite conspicuous appearance day after day in Kit's coffee shop, determined to get this man to help him gain what he prized most: a book that once belonged to his mother that his father, the Duke of Clare, keeps with him at all times. But as Kit and Percy strike a bargain, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other despite the dangers of what being together would truly mean both for themselves and the job ahead of them.

Delightfully quippy and cozy, this romance is well-balanced with steamy scenes, thrilling action and crimes, and tender moments. A delectable read.

The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian, Avon


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