The Adventure Zone: The Eleventh Hour (The Adventure Zone, 5) by Clint McElroy (Author), Griffin McElroy (Author), Travis McElroy (Author), Justin McElroy (Author), and Carey Pietsch (Author, Illustrator)

Taako, Magnus, and Merle are at it again. This time they're tracking down a relic in the town of Refuge for the Bureau of Balance that deals with, well, time. Caught in a time loop, they must save Refuge, gain the relic, and face the darkest moments of their pasts (and die quite a few times along the way). Volume 5 of The Adventure Zone features the same delightful, expressive, and charming artwork by Carey Pietsch as well as the voices of McElroy brothers, Justin, Travis, and Griffin, and father, Clint. 

The Eleventh Hour not only has fantastical jokes, great pacing, and perfect breaking of the fourth wall, it has heart, earned darkness, and intriguing clues to a greater depth of story. This volume is the best yet. 

The Adventure Zone: The Eleventh Hour (The Adventure Zone, 5) by Clint McElroy (Author), Griffin McElroy (Author), Travis McElroy (Author), Justin McElroy (Author), and Carey Pietsch (Author, Illustrator), First Second


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