Catherine de' Medici, The Flying Squadron 1. The Good Girl by Manon Textoris

Catherine de' Medici, also known as “the Black Queen,” reigned over France after the death of her first son, Francis II, and before the ascension of her second son, Charles IX. In order to maintain her grip, she had a group of beautiful spies loyal to her known as "the flying squadron." Catherine de' Medici, The Flying Squadron 1. The Good Girl by Manon Textoris begins when the idealistic Gabrielle joins the ranks of the squadron. Along the way, Gabrielle will wrestle with loyalties, desire, politics, religion, and her own reputation. Although fictionalized, this tale brings to life very real circumstances, histories, and aspirations. 

Delicate, graceful, and stylish artwork perfectly complement this well-woven tale.

Catherine de' Medici, The Flying Squadron 1. The Good Girl by Manon Textoris, Europe Comics


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